About us
About us
How we work
Until now, the design methodology used was governed by the standards of the different international associations. But for some years we have also applied to our designs, the methodology based on the simulation and analysis by finite elements through the ANSYS software, which allows us to anticipate with more accuracy the physics and behaviour of our products, applying the regulatory and verification standards that this methodology has.
This method allows us to more accurately analyse the behaviour of certain materials under extreme conditions(temperature, tensions, vibrations,etc…), thus verifying the high degree of reliability of the manufactured equipment.
Being able to simulate extreme conditions allows us to guarantee functionality and achieve excellent levels of quality.

Simulation of instrumentation equipment through Finite elements, CFD and FEA

– Pipe flow analysis.
The division of the medium under study by means of meshing allows the individual analysis of each of the elements to reach a global solution. The benefits of these studies lie in the fact that once all the boundary conditions have been introduced and verified, key values can be studied: loss of load, output speeds, voltages in the equipment, sonic conditions or possibilities of cavitation and flashing not expected with the initial data.
This allows anticipating the right solution for the required equipment.
– Heat transfer analysis in temperature measurement elements.
In these analyses, where the transfer values or thermal conductivity of the different materials considered are key, we seek to optimize our designs so that the response of the sensor element is not affected, and the signal is produced and detected as soon as possible and with the greatest accuracy.
They are always associated with a study of mechanical properties, since they must with stand both critical conditions of speed and corrosion inside the pipes in the case of sheaths, and day/night thermal amplitudes and corrosive environments in the case of skin-point.
– Thickness check in pressurized equipment.
The concern for the improvement and quality of our products forces us to study all the characteristics of the equipment that is subjected to extreme conditions of pressure or temperature. Mainly in relation to pipe thicknesses or chamber thicknesses, such as those of glass or magnetic levels, since they are the last barrier.
Using the possibilities offered by this type of software for modelling, the EIPSA departments: Technical and R+D+I, with the supervision of the quality team, are working and researching in the following fields::
- Analysis of turbulence created in the different profiles of the equipment,highlighting the development of the new Vorticrack® thermowell.
- Pipe flow analysis.
- Heat transfer analysis in temperature measurement elements.
- Verification of thicknesses in pressurized equipment.
- Analysis of turbulence created in the different profiles of the equipment, highlighting the development of the new Vorticrack® thermowell.
It is one of the most important analyses applied to our manufacturing range. In the case of thermowells, it has allowed us to simulate different geometries, perfecting the design and obtaining our Vorticrack® thermowell model. This new geometry affects the vortices generated on their surface in two ways: it decreases their energy, and it achieves a distribution with no dominant shedding frequency.
Due to the complexity that resides in the study of the vortices generated on surfaces exposed to fluids in motion, the incorporation of this software to carry out the analysis has been fundamental, since it has reduced the calculation time, minimizing the need for scale or real models for their analysis. physical check.

Our facilities

Engineering companies increasingly turn to suppliers so that we can develop our own products (R + D + I), with specific designs and calculations. This motivates us to bet on greater specialization and more specific machinery.
That is why at EIPSA we have incorporated new machines into our usual machinery that allow us, apart fromworking with more precision, to increase production capacity.
Among others, we have introduced a 5-axis machining center, allowing us extra machining movements and thus facilitating the manufacture of flow and temperature elements and Vorticrack® thermowell.
We have modernized the ideal microwelding methods for pyrometry, temperature sensors and thermocouples.
Automated drill, allowing increased production, deep drilling machines, reaching until 1.5 meters deep.