Pitot Tube - Flow Tec
DESCRIPTION: Fixed geometry differential pressure meter. It allows measurement with very low pressure drop and it is possible to install it in large pipes. The new designs of differential pressure transmitters, increasingly precise and capable of integrating a greater number of process variables, ratify the validity of this type of meters.
- Measurement in gases and liquids and corrosive environments.
- For all types of industrial plants such as:
- Energy generation.
- Chemical and petrochemical industries.
- Renewable energy.
- Food industry.
- Water treatment.
- Calculation standards:
Flow tech Model.
Miller Engineering Handbook.
ASME MFC-12M. - Materials: Stainless steel and special alloys (on request).
- Size of Manufacture: 4” – 72”
- Flange finishes: RF, FF, RTJ.
- Beta: –
- Reynolds: >10.000
- Accuracy: 1 – 2%
– Maximum operating temperature: According to the rating of the flanges, pipe thickness and materials used.
– Maximum operating pressure: According to the flange rating, pipe thickness and materials used.